Monday, March 7, 2011

Showering the baby {San Diego Family Photography}

Alright women, this first paragraph is for you!

You know that woman who was late in her third trimester and just glowing (which, let's just be honest here, wasn't me)?  You know the one. The one who still has a cute perky baby bump, has gained the perfect amount of weight, dresses in the cutest maternity clothes and always has flawless makeup on? don't? Let me introduce you to her!

Carina (on the right) is late in the pregnancy game and she is just flat out beautiful and put together (you can go ahead and try to hate her for that, but you will fail. She is too nice)!  Not only that, she is beyond easy going.  As mentioned previously, San Diego has been getting an odd amount of rain, so sadly, our maternity session keeps getting rained out. She did however, ask me to come and cover her baby shower for her and her family, and I was delighted by the invitation.

As I was making my way around the party, I was struck by several things:

1)I see where Carina get's her warmth. Her family welcomed me (and tried to stuff me) like I was one of their own

2) Carina and her husband were meant to be parents of more than one child. As they were opening up gifts, Carina's daughter rushed into the room, and started telling her mother about a social injustice that had taken place. One of the injustices that mean the world to a little girl, but make the adults giggle on the inside. Carina listened quietly as her daughter explained. Then Carina calm tells her daughter that she needed something to drink - she sounded a bit raspy.


I couldn't think of a better way to diffuse such a life altering catastrophe in the middle of a party. Carina's daughter went off to get some juice and that was that. Crisis and meltdown adverted.

They were meant for this!

I can't wait to meet her little guy!

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